Saturday, November 30, 2013

Coming tomorrow: 31 days of albums from 2013!

Here we are again, at the end of another year that feels like it went by in a flash. Whether it was a good year for you or not, one thing we can't deny is that a lot of good music was released. Starting tomorrow, I will feature an album(s) a day that I feel are worth checking out. I know most people do a top 10 at most but I am always searching and listening for something new to listen to. With that being said, 31+ albums to mention is a lot and they can't all be pure gold, but they have at least a song or a reason for me adding them to my list. As we get closer to the end of the year, the ranking of each album will also grow, so hang in there! I hope you join me in my musical journey of 2013. Give feedback, listen to some tunes and have fun!