Monday, June 10, 2013

A Sucker For 6/8

I'm always looking for new music to listen to. Whenever I listen to a new album, there's always a track or two that stand out more than the others for me, which I'm sure is true for most people as well. But I have come to the realization that the one or two stand out tracks for me are often in the 6/8 time signature. (For those of you that are unfamiliar with time signatures, it is how a song is counted. The most common time signature is 4/4, but 6/8 is a close second in rock and pop music. Some of the more popular examples are Queen's "We Are The Champions" and REM's "Everybody Hurts". I won't bore you with a music lesson, so I'll get back on track here!) I really can't tell you why I'm attracted to it, but it just seems to be the best way to win me over musically. For example, the two latest albums I have been listening to are Queens Of The Stone Age's "...Like Clockwork" and One Minute Silence's "Fragmented Armageddon". Both, like usual, each had stand out tracks for me. After listening to OMS's track "Fruit From The Lie" a few times, I realized it was in 6/8. Curious, I thought about the QOTSA disc and the songs that I liked best. One being the track "Kalopsia" which, of course, is also in 6/8!

To truly solidify this revelation, I thought back to some of my favorite songs to see if this was truly a trend, and sure enough, my playlist is saturated with 6/8! Below are a few examples of some of my favorites, including the two most recent additions to the list. If I attempted to list every 6/8 song I like, I would need an entire blog devoted to that, so I'll only list a few!

Feel free to chime in with some of your favorite 6/8 tunes!

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