Thursday, May 16, 2013

The Art Of The Music Video

These days, music videos aren't thought of as something special. They seem to be part of the process. Release album; release singe; make video for single; rinse and repeat. Most videos, as far as rock and metal bands go, are often just the band doing their thing in an abandoned warehouse or a field, sometimes with a girl in distress walking around. Nothing really special. Once in a great while, a band will take advantage of the video medium by creating visuals that take that song to an entirely new level. Using art to compliment art. Below are a few example of what I mean:

Tool is by far my favorite band. Not only for their incredible music, but the total image they created. When I saw the video for Sober the first time, I was completely blown away. I had never seen a video like this before and I wanted more! Luckily, all of their videos are this amazing. Check them all out here.

I'm not a huge Aphex Twins fan, just not my cup of tea, but they do have some really cool videos like this one for the song Rubber Johnny. the Come To Daddy video is also rather creepy.

Meshuggah, another one of my favorites, have recently released a video for the song I Am Colossus which I absolutely love. It doesn't hurt that it has a Tool video feel to it!

Ganesh Rao, a musician and visual artist, quickly made a name for himself by posting this video online.

The band Tesseract were obviously fans of Ganesh's work and hired him to make their video for Eden 2.0. It's the second version of the song featuring short lived vocalist Elliot Coleman. Not my favorite version, but the video is still cool.

The last video I will post is Uneven Structure's Frost/Hail video.I'm not usually a fan of the band-in-action kind of videos, but I think they found the perfect balance of that and some mind blowing imagery that enhanced my love for this song.

I hope you enjoyed these. If you feel I missed some really good ones, let me know!

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