Saturday, May 11, 2013

Welcome to my brain!

Why did I create this page? Good question! It's mainly due to the reason that I don't have very many people who share the same interests as me anymore, and I need a place to spew my random thoughts! Over the years, it seems that many of the people I know that did have common interest with me grew up and lost touch in all the things that I still hold dear to me. Music and movies occupy a lot of my thoughts, as I'm sure it does for many others, but make it metal music and horror movies at age thirty something and the numbers seem to dwindle a bit. Throw in a love for all things Halloween and it takes even more of a nose dive! Some may call me immature, but I call it staying true to myself. I'm an adult for 40 hours a week at work and take care of all the adult things I have to do, so if I want to spend the rest of my time watching zombies devour the living, listening to music that make most people cover their ears and turning my garage into a haunted house, what's the harm in that?

Most of the things I post here will be related to music, movies, Halloween or childhood nostalgia in some way. If any or all interest you, feel free to stick around and share your thoughts. Thanks and let the fun begin!

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