Monday, May 13, 2013

The Childhood Toy Box: My Pet Monster

For my first post, I am introducing the start of what will be an ongoing series called "The Childhood Toy Box". As with most children, I spent countless hours playing with what ever toy I could con my parents into buying for me. Luckily for me, most of them kicked ass! I truly feel that the eighties and early nineties had some great toys, and since I no longer own most of them and it just doesn't make any financial sense to hunt them all down since I'm sure the majority of them now cost a pretty penny, I will feature some of these toys here for all to reminisce about and enjoy.

Toy #1 is the almighty My Pet Monster. Sure, stuffed animals were for girls, but this was no stuffed animal.  Complete with horns, pointy teeth, blue fur and orange chains that kept his hands locked up, there wasn't a boy on the planet that didn't want this guy! It became so popular that it spawned a direct-to-video movie about a boy who becomes the monster when he gets hungry, which I watched constantly. I have been tempted to track it down, but I have a feeling it's one of those films that is better off living in my memories since it probably won't hold up these days.

A cartoon also came from the success of the toy, but I don't remember ever watching it. After viewing this clip, I can see why!

Other creatures from the My Pet Monster universe starting emerging, like Gwonk, Wogster, and Rark, but none of them did anything for me, so I just stuck with the original.

Well, I hope you enjoyed this little blast from the past. Stay tuned for many more to come!

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