Thursday, December 19, 2013

31 Albums From 2013: Day 19

Our Last Night has had a very busy year. They started the year off by doing an acoustic cover of Adele's 'Skyfall' which seemed to have spawned the 'Summer Of Covers' EP that consisted of Rihanna's 'Stay', Justin Timberlake's 'Mirrors', Imagine Dragon's 'Radioactive' and Zedd's 'Clarity'. They finished out the run of covers with 'Wrecking Ball' by Miler Cyrus. With all of that going on, they also launched an Indiegogo campaign to get funding for a dual EP project that has a pretty cool concept. The same songs will be featured on both EP's, one loud and heavy and the other acoustic. Well, their fans apparently really liked this idea as well and not only meet their goal of $15,000, but managed to raise over $46! Did I mention all of this was done without the help of a record label? Yup! Because of this, the band rushed to make a music video and released it just a week after the campaign ended. In November, the first of the dual EP's were released. 'Oak Island' island features 7 songs that continues to showcase their talent and growth as musicians. This is definitely the version I was most excited about and they certainly delivered, but I do look forward to hearing the acoustic version as well.

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