Wednesday, December 4, 2013

31 Albums From 2013: Day 4

The almighty Sabbath returns with their first full length studio album with Ozzy at the helm in a long time. When I first heard about this release, I was both excited and weary. When bands reunite and write new material after many years of not, usually one of three things happen: 1. they try something new in an attempt to sound current (and almost always fail), 2. they stick with what they know and come off sounding dated, or 3. they find a happy medium between the two, which is a rarity. Unfortunately, they not only stuck with what they knew, but basically just copied themselves and wrote songs that sound very similar to other Black Sabbath songs. For people who wanted the same ole Sabbath, they certainly got it! I would have liked a little spice thrown in their, but that's just me. I was also disappointed to find out that drummer Bill Ward was not part of this recording. Brad Wilk of Rage Against The Machine/Audioslave did a good job staying within the style that Bill had created, but it still isn't the same with out him. Give it a listen, it's not bad, just nothing new.

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