Friday, December 20, 2013

31 Albums From 2013: Day 20

Tesseract hasn't exactly had the best luck with singers. Of the three releases they've had, each one features a different vocalist. Their debut album 'One' instantly put them on my favorite bands list. Once I heard the news of their vocalist at that time, Daniel Tompkins, was leaving, I got very worried as he had a large piece in setting them apart from other bands with a similar style. I stuck with them for their next release, an EP called 'Perspective' with new vocalist Elliot Coleman. This was a tough one for me. Elliot is a really good vocalist, but his style just didn't meld with the music in my opinion. Shortly after the release of the EP, Elliot also departed, leaving Tesseract vocal-less once again. I again saddled up for another new journey and was pleased (and honestly relieved) when I heard a single featuring their latest (and hopefully final) singer, Ashe O'Hara. Ashe's style is a lot similar to Daniel's, which made me happy, but a bit more on the mellow side. I don't know if the band took note of this or it just worked out this way, but their new album 'Altered State' is also a lot more on the mellow side. I would say they have more of a prog rock sound rather than the prog metal style found in 'One'. It did take some getting used to as I did miss the high energy, but after excepting this new direction, I was able to truly enjoy it.

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