Tuesday, December 31, 2013

31 Albums From 2013: Day 31

So here it is, my album of the year. Before the release of this in November, I was struggling to pick what #1 on this list would be. I enjoyed everything that made the list, but none of them absolutely blew me away. Then I saw that musician David Maxim Micic announced the release of 'Bilo 3.0', the third installment of his solo EP series. I had enjoyed 'Bilo 1.0' and 'Bilo 2.0', but there really was only a single track off of each that I loved, so I figured the trend would continue with 3.0. I was very wrong. This release is truly a piece of art. David clearly wasn't aiming for a certain genre or style, he was just making music for the sake of making music. Each track flows together beautifully, making it near impossible to listen to individual tracks. It truly must be experienced as a whole. David even took themes from the previous Bilo's and continued them, which I absolutely love. This isn't just an album for musicians though, even with great song writing, amazing guest guitar soloists, and perfectly selected vocalists, there is something for everyone here. Do yourself a favor and listen to it NOW!

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