Saturday, December 21, 2013

31 Albums From 2013: Day 21

There have been many remixed and remastered albums over the years and most I don't blink an eye at, but when I heard that Lamb Of God was giving 'As The Palaces Burn' this treatment for the 10th anniversary of the release, I got a bit giddy! This was the album that introduced me to the awesomeness that is LoG. As much as I love everything about it, I always found it a bit difficult to listen to, especially when in a mix with songs from other albums, purely because of the quality of the mix. Being able to listen to it with this new mix was like hearing it for the first time. I was unaware that the drums on the original album were replaced with triggered drum sounds (which I learned about in the documentary about the making of 'ATPB' which was a very interesting watch) so just hearing the true recorded drum sounds was enough to make me happy. It is really cool to compare the two versions. I even found a few things I prefer on the original mix. If you are an existing LoG fan, I highly recommend getting this new mix. If you haven't heard this album before, get the original version so you can get the full experience first. Below, I have put both versions of track 1, 'Ruin' for you to compare yourself. Which do you prefer?

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