Monday, December 2, 2013

31 Albums From 2013: Day 2

Day number two's album is one of those ideas that sound great on paper but unfortunately the final product didn't completely deliver.The biggest issue I have with it is instead of having full bands play the songs on 11 of the 13 tracks, they had various singers and guitarists perform over tracks recorded by a mystery group of musicians (I couldn't find any info on who they were) who honestly didn't do that great of a job with most of the songs. The only tunes that I found some enjoyment in are 'Black and White' sung by Sevendust frontman Lajon Witherspoon and 'Billy Jean' featuring Corey Glover of Living Colour and completely becuase of their vocals. Guitarist Bumblefoot did some great work on 'Beat It', but unfortunately the horrible vocals made the song unlistenable for me. Why the hell am I featuring this album if I'm criticizing so much? Two reasons: I at least appreciate the idea of this album as doing metal versions of MJ songs is a good one, and track 11. This song is what redeemed the whole thing for me. The band Icarus Witch (who I knew nothing about before this and after some research on them afterwards, can't say I'm normally a fan of their power metal style) did their take on 'They Don't Care About Us'. This song really is a great version of the tune and solidified my thought that each full band should have done the songs rather than a studio band. Sevendust and Living Colour would have killed the tunes that their singers did! The last song of the album is a re-recorded version of 'Smooth Criminal' by Alien Ant Farm, which I have always enjoyed, so it at least closed out the album on a high note. Overall I would say preview all the tracks and download what you like rather than get the whole album, but you may find something on here you like.

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