Friday, December 5, 2014

2014 Album Reviews: The Acacia Strain - Coma Witch

The Acacia Strain had a big hurdle to deal with; not one but both guitarists left the band last year. To introduce two brand new guitarists at the same time is certainly a difficult task both for the existing band members and the new ones. The new guys have to maintain the core sound of the band while also bringing something new to the table and for the most part, I think they succeeded. There are certainly songs like 'Cauterizer' that bring the crushing sound these guys are known for. Unfortunately, the album is far from consistent. The guest vocals on 'World Demise' and 'Graveyard Shift' do little to help the songs at all and some of the riffs are just plain uninspired. The last riff in 'Send Help' is something I would expect to hear from a high school band just learning to play hardcore. Regardless of these hiccups, it's still a good album to blast in your car after a shitty day at work!

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