Tuesday, December 16, 2014

2014 Album Reviews: Primus - Primus & The Chocolate Factory

I was excited for three reasons when I first heard about this release: 1, Tim Alexander was back on drums. 2, Primus doing their take on the Willy Wonka soundtrack had to be awesome and 3, Tim Alexander was back on drums! Yes I'm aware that two of those are the same but Tim has always been my favorite of the Primus drummers and I couldn't wait to hear him back behind the kit. Once I finished playing through the album the first time, I had two thoughts: 1, this must be what it feels like to do drugs, and 2, where the hell are the drums?! Other than some tom hits and minor background percussion, Tim is nowhere to be found. Damn it! I tried to except that Tim was just trying to stay true to the original score so I fought through my anger and gave it another shot. The second time around I was able to appreciate it for the truly creepy and wacky spin that only Les Claypool could put on this timeless classic. It's most certainly not a standard Primus album which makes me wonder why this wasn't done as a Claypool side project, but it's still a good album to put on if you want your significant other and friends to ask "what the hell are you listening to?".

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