Sunday, December 28, 2014

2014 Album Reviews: Whitechapel - Our Endless War

Whitechapel has been evolving their sound for the past few albums which have been dividing their fans: it's now the "original" fans that prefer their more "brutal" deathcore/death metal sound that they started with against the fans who have embraced their exploration of other styles yet still remaining heavy as hell. I not only welcome this change, I prefer it. It's no secret that groove metal is my preference over blast beats, so seeing these guys move more in that direction little by little is fine by me! The song "The Saw Is The Law" certainly fulfills all my groove metal requirements, but the winner on 'Our Endless War' for me is definitely "Digg's Road" which I believe is the best song they have written to date. This has been my go-to angry album I blast in my car on the way home from a bad day at work. 

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