Tuesday, December 9, 2014

2014 Album Reviews: Skyharbor - Guiding Lights

From out of the ashes of what is left of the 'Djent' genre, Skyharbor brings us their second full length album, but this time around, vocalist Daniel Tompkins didn't have to share the mic with anyone (he only sang on half of the first album). Like many bands that were considered 'Djent', Skyharbor has made a valiant effort to broaden their horizons by going a much more melodic prog route this time around. The vocals are good, the musicianship is great, but man I had a lot of trouble holding interest every time I tried to make it through the entire album. I gave it several shots, but it loses energy with every track and so did I. It's not a bad album, but just another one that doesn't stand out enough to make it anything special.

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