Wednesday, December 24, 2014

2014 Album Reviews: Machine Head - Bloodstone & Diamonds

When Machine Head released 'The Blackening' in 2007, I really wondered if an album that good could be topped. I was very concerned that it was all going to go downhill from there as most bands often do. 'Unto The Locust' came in 2011 and it was a great album, but didn't quite have the "umph" that the previous album had so my worries continued to grow. That brings us to "Bloodstone & Diamonds". This time around, it seemed like the boys had a fresh outlook somehow, possibly because of new bassist Jared MacEachern, but that's just a guess. There is a really good mix of new and old here. The use of natural harmonics that became a Machine Head trademark when they first started is back! Sure, it never really went away, but it's used here more than it has been in a few albums. As far as new elements, the big stand-out for me is the song "Beneath The Silt" which is something I never expected: Machine Head doing stoner metal, and it's friggin' awesome! Is the album better than 'The Blackening'? Maybe not, but I certainly give them credit for pushing themselves to try something new and that in itself is enough for me. Plus, the album does rock!

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