Tuesday, December 2, 2014

2014 Album Reviews: ††† - Crosses

I remember the first time I heard the Deftones. The contrast of Chino's vocals on top of the heavy music made me, and many others, fall in love with them instantly. To this day, I still prefer the heavy side of the Deftones and tend to skip the more mellow tracks. I'm always hopeful when I hear about Chino doing side projects, as he is one of my favorite vocalists. Neither of his past projects, Team Sleep and Palms, have done much to impress me as they are more like the Deftones tracks I often skip, so I was hoping 3rd times a charm. No such luck. Chino's newest project, ††† (Crosses), unfortunately continued that trend of slow paced background tunes. The music has more of an industrial feel, which can be a little heavy at times, but still not really enough to get me excited. Not a bad album, just not an exciting one. Oh well, at least I still have the Deftones!

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