Monday, December 8, 2014

2014 Album Reviews: Destiny Potato - Lun

After David Maxim Micic blew me away with last years release, Bilo 3.0, earning my #1 album of 2013, expectations were definitely high for the debut album of his band Destiny Potato. The group faced some struggles with holding on to vocalists causing major delays with the album release and a split with a record company, so they decided to go the independent route and release it through Bandcamp. It just seemed to have popped up one day, so I jumped at the chance to check it out asap. My excitement didn't exactly stay in tacked as I hoped it would. With knowing what David is capable of, I have to honestly say that I was disappointed with how bland everything was. The only track that really did anything for me is the last one, "Addict", which really sounds more like it belongs on a Bilo album. The rest is just heavy pop music that doesn't do a lot for me. All I can say is, come on Bilo 4.0!

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