Monday, December 1, 2014

2014 Album Reviews: Intro & Alestorm - Sunset On The Golden Age

Yes, here we are again, back at another November where I bombard you for an entire month with daily posts of album reviews! Even if no one else follows along, this has become an important part in wrapping up the year for me. It's a fun journey through the music that has been released this year and often brings back memories of events that took place around the time of their releases. Like in years past, every day starting tomorrow I will feature an album, but unlike in the past, it won't necessarily be an album I really liked, just one that I invested time in to because of hopes of it being something I would like. These will be honest reviews of how I felt about them, so keep in mind these are just my opinions and I would love to hear what you think, whether you agree or disagree!

There really isn't any specific order, at least not at the beginning. As we get deeper in to November, the list will start to become to 'top albums' sort of thing, but still doesn't mean I liked that album more than the one listed on the previous day. Enough rambling, let the reviewing commence!

Normally you wouldn't catch me ever talking about pirate metal, (yes that's right, I said pirate metal) but thanks to a good friend of mine Joe, I was recently introduced to this unique band. I certainly listen to my share of strange bands, but I had some trouble talking myself in to giving this a fair shot because, well, pirates playing metal? Come on! Joe had mentioned the song "Drink" on several occasions so he made it a point to play it for me when we caught up this past summer. The catchy lyrics made it impossible not to sing along! Definitely a fun album. Sure it's a bit hokey, but they know it and make the best of it. Grab a bottle of rum, a pirate hat, 'Sunset On The Golden Age' and have a good ole time! AAARRHH!!!

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