Saturday, December 13, 2014

2014 Album Reviews: Dog Fashion Disco - Sweet Nothings

With their first album in seven years, Dog Fashion Disco answered the cries of many fans to return. They went the crowd-funded route by asking for $30,000 on Indiegogo to make a new album and that goal was reached in under 24 hours. The campaign was so successful that they had managed to raise over $85,000 by the goal date! The fans spoke. With a new album definitely on the way, it was left to our imaginations as to what mania the boys could bring to our ears. The last album DFD released in 2006, Adultery, was by far the best thing they have done. Could it be topped? My answer is unfortunately no. Singer Todd Smith, who usually brought an arsenal of vocal styles, seemed to have played it rather safe this time around. The mixture of musical styles they are known for is still there for the most point but the high energy is not. I'm going to hope that the boys just need some more time to work out the kinks of the long hiatus and that the next album will bring it, but only time will tell.

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